Saturday, November 9, 2013


       To find that one true someone that loves you with all their being, just as you love them, is an experience like nothing else in the world.  Does it really matter if the one that loves you like this is a person of the same sex?  How can a book, family, or a stranger try to tell you who you can and cannot love?  Why would your family try to waiver you from being your true self? 
       I do not understand why so many people are worried about who is marrying who, why the hell should they even care?!  It is no one's business, but the two people that found their love of a lifetime.  So what if the couple is an interracial couple or if they are a same sex couple, what matters at the end of the day is they understand that loving someone is to love them for everything they are.  You cannot love only the good in someone, you have to love the whole person, the good and the not so good.  Because it's not only the good that makes him or her the person they truly are. 

       I love my husband, for everything he is and I still wonder how I was so lucky to have him choose me.  He is not a perfect person, but neither am I.  But you know what? We ARE perfect for one another.  We do look like an odd couple, he's over six feet tall and I am barely 5'4", he's outgoing and open, while I am quiet and closed-up.  He is lean and I am "fluffy" ;)  People tend to look at us oddly, but the ones that are close to us understand that we are a perfect fit.  We have a crazy way of complementing each other and our banter can been viewed as downright horrifying. LOL But that is us and who we are.  If someone does not like it, they can kiss my grits!!

       I just wish society can open its eyes and see the amazing thing called love it is missing out on by being judgmental and prejudice.  Some homosexuals are not affected by society (or try not to be), while others are deeply affected by what others think.  This saddens me because they will never be able to live life the way they are suppose to and experience amazing opportunities because of society.  I don't care if people think homosexuality is a choice, do you honestly think people would choose to live in this world the way they are judged and condemned, if they had a choice in the matter?! I seriously doubt anyone would choose such a hardship.  Yes, I said hardship, not because I think love (no matter whom you fall in love with) is the hardship.  The hardship I am speaking of is the close-minded people that think they have the right to judge.  So many people tend to worry about what everyone else is doing, that they tend to forget they are not God.  Just because you are a Christian, does not give you the right to involve yourself in everyone's lives.  And if you are a true Christian, you would know you have NO right to pass judgment..... That is reserved for only God.

       Love is an amazing gift, whether you believe this gift is from God or not.  To be loved by a person who is not family, but will become your family and your everything is the most wonderful and amazing experience anyone will have.  To have that one person in life who knows your flaws, but is still there at the end of the day, every day to tell you how beautiful you are and that no matter what you do he or she is proud to love you; this is something almost everyone searches for, but only a few will find.  
       So I will leave you with this..... How can anyone condone love?  Love is such a beautiful thing, when you think of love it brings a smile to your face and memories front and center.  Why can't everyone enjoy those smiles and memories?  Why are some allowed to enjoy and share their love openly, while others have to hide behind closed doors? It's cruel, uncalled for, and decreases my hope of a beautiful future for my children. 

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