Have you ever been asked, "Would you ever....." and have a totally ridiculous, off the freaking wall shit said to you? Yup, been there, done that, and I cannot stand when a person asks me, "Would you ever..... with a totally freaked up thing ending the question. Usually I can play along, okay not really. I am like are you freaking kidding me?!! What the hell is wrong with your mind that you can actually think something like this up?! Don't get me wrong I am not a stick in the mud kind of person, but everyone has their limits, don't they? I don't know, maybe I am the one that has a screw loose.
I do know though that I would never sleep with a person for any set amount of money ( I am not a prostitute) nor would I ever eat an insect (unless for survival purposes only) and whatever crazy things I have been asked and said no to. I will however take time away from doing something I know has to be done, to do something that I just feel like doing at that point in time. Does that make me a procrastinator or a person with my priorities bassackwards? Not sure here, but I do know I like to do things I enjoy and when I am told I have to do something by a certain day or time, I wait until last minute to get it done. Okay so it seems I have an authority problem. Well I guess I will have to think about that and analysis why I have an authority problem. Maybe it is not really that, but maybe it is some crazy little voice telling me to do this and that before I do the things that have a time frame Maybe I like to do what i am told to (hence like having authority over me), but the main authority figure I totally and 100% listen to is the little guy in the far corner of my mind.
I said this is going to be personal to randomness..... and everything in between ;)
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